About Us


One of the most challenging ordeals I've ever faced was the loss of over half of my hair due to the effects of both Covid and Dengue. In that moment of despair, I wept; the tears flowed without measure. For far too long, the realm of hair care had been tainted by exaggerated promises and dubious chemicals, a philosophy I couldn't reconcile with, as it conflicted with my doctors' advice.

I embarked on an extensive journey of hair research, my baldness fueling my curiosity. During this quest, I stumbled upon a research study delving into the potential of "Bee Venom" in treating various conditions, such as alopecia, rheumatoid arthritis, neuralgia, and multiple sclerosis.

Promptly, I gathered the necessary ingredients and concocted my unique version of what my friends later called "the magic potion." It was truly incredible. A year filled with bad hair days, emotional turmoil, and plummeting self-esteem, and suddenly, I found myself gazing at hair that was nearly normal. My emotions during that moment are beyond my capacity to articulate.

My journey was tough, something I wouldn't wish upon anyone, but it gave birth to Haircare Affair. In hindsight, I can only express profound gratitude for what I endured. It had to transpire for me to reach this venture, for Haircare Affair to be born.